Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Our little Bre

Aubrey is just tall enough to look out the window so she stands on her tippy toes, points and does her fabulous baby talk as cars drive by. On Friday mornings is garbage pick up, so we open the kitchen windows and she looks out and goes crazy(loving it) when the garbage truck comes. It is so loud and has the giant claw that picks up the garbage can, she gets the biggest kick out of that. She is so interested in any and everything and her fascination for life and all of its new experiences is so awesome to watch. I must say I love being able to watch her grow up.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Look who's getting old #30!

So Lionel's #30 landed on a Sunday which is not the worst but it's hard to do the big bang. We threw him a surprise party but it was the Sabbath so to through him off a little I told him we were going to do something spiritual. We started off at the temple walked around for a little while, I then told him our neighbor needed his help with something. He walked in to help and to his surprise, SURPRISE! We had some BBQ, he did a #30 pinata, cake etc. It was a lot of fun.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Aubrey's 1st B-Day!

Aubrey's party was so much fun all of our family and friends were able to make it. So... she was a little sceptical of her cake at first but in no time at all she was grubin! She got so many fun toys but I think we can all agree the elmo CELL PHONE was her fav. We seriously can not believe our beautiful daughter is 1! It is so true what they say they grow up way to fast we are cherishing every moment with her and are loving watching her grow. WE LOVE YOU AUBREY!