Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Our little Bre

Aubrey is just tall enough to look out the window so she stands on her tippy toes, points and does her fabulous baby talk as cars drive by. On Friday mornings is garbage pick up, so we open the kitchen windows and she looks out and goes crazy(loving it) when the garbage truck comes. It is so loud and has the giant claw that picks up the garbage can, she gets the biggest kick out of that. She is so interested in any and everything and her fascination for life and all of its new experiences is so awesome to watch. I must say I love being able to watch her grow up.


ash and jay said...

that's a really cute pic of Aubrey. you seriously need to help me with this blogging stuff. It's thursday night and I'm super bored because I'm SUPPOSED to be working out.......GRRRR, towards Jason. anyways, we'll talk later!

Adam & Rachel said...

She's so pretty and fun! You are a great mom and a wonderful person, Alisa.

Amanda said...

Oh to be a kid again!

It is sad that as grown-ups we don't get a kick out of watching things like the trash getting picked up! But, it is amazing being able to watch our kids get a kick out of things like that!

Megs said...

I love that picture of Aubrey!! She cracks me up all the time... especially when we're in California Pizza Kitchen... hahaha jk! Love ya!